Bringing Muscular and Emotional Relief to the Systems of the Body – Part 1
I have included some acupressure, stretches, breathing techniques and Qigong practices for those who are interested in trying.
These techniques l have found to be helpful for my clients over the years to address headaches, shoulder, lower back and gluteal tension. Also helpful when our thinking is over stimulated affecting our parsaympathetic nervous system and contributing to restless sleep and feelings of anxiousness.
1/ The examples l have shown for the posterior neck and anterior chest area can be carried out either seated or laying down.Often tension in the shoulders can be relieved by applying press release techniques to points on the chest and visa versa. These points can relieve headaches, calm down feelings of being overwhelmed, congestion of the chest and ribs and tightness to the trapezius muscles and skull.

a) When you begin set aside a quiet time and space. You can use music, essential oils, herbal tea, or a hot water bottle either before or after to help facilitate the change.
b) When holding the points relax your shoulders and your breathing.
c) When holding the points or area sink in gently with your thumb or two or three fingers. Maintain a steady direct pressure without being too strong. Be kind to yourself and allow 30 seconds to 2 minutes to hold the area and if 30 seconds is all you can manage that’s fine. Remember to allow the area you are holding to rise and fall with the breath.
d) Don’t try to force the tension to leave.
e) Whether it’s the point under the skull or the area along the clavicle relax into it.
f) The breath is then the key. As you breath in allow your lower belly to expand out slowly ( just below the navel, you can hold this area with your other hand) and as you exhale allow your lower belly to relax and soften and flatten. Try for 12 breathes in and out while your holding the acupressure areas. Once you have done that do the same to the opposite side of the neck, chest, shoulder or glut. This may not be where you are feeling the issue but often can bring about change as well.
g) If your mind starts to wander bring your awareness back to the area you are addressing and to your breath and the belly simply rising and falling.
h) Practice this throughout the day. Other times of the day it may feel more beneficial.